We turn our patients’ dreams into reality by improving not only the length and shape, but also the function of their arms and legs.
Bowlegs Correction / Male 30s
by dr. donghoon
Ankle Deformity + Leg Length Discrepancy
Leg Deformity + Fibula Osteotomy Surgery
Complex Deformity
Unable to Walk due to Genu Recurvatum after Bowlegs Correction at another hospital
Reoperation - knock knees deformity after bowlegs correction at another hospital
Getting treatment of Osteogenesis Imperfecta
Post-Traumatic Leg Length Discrepancy and Deformity (patient from Russia)
Post-Traumatic Leg Length Discrepancy (patient from UAE )
Arthritis Bowlegs Correction
Middle Age Arthritis improved by deformity correction
Bowlegs from Arthritis