We turn our patients’ dreams into reality by improving not only the length and shape, but also the function of their arms and legs.
Turner Syndrome
Dong Hoon Lee
Turner syndrome is caused by a chromosomal abnormality. One X chromosome is partly or completely missing.
Orthopaedic problems of turner syndrome are short stature, arm/leg deformities and osteoporosis. In many cases, patients visit the hospital because of short stature and leg deformity. In turner syndrome, there are special things to consider, which differ from general lengthening or deformity correction. Complex deformity in the femur or tibia should be corrected at the same time.
Short Stature, Bowleg and Joint Line Deformity (Blue line) due to Turner Syndrome were treated by Stature Lengthening, Bowleg Correction and treatment of Joint line Deformity (Red line) simultaneously